Planned Site Maintenance This Weekend (4/18)
This weekend, Box will perform planned maintenance to upgrade back-end infrastructure in our data centers. The maintenance will take place throughout the day on Saturday, April 18, starting at 7AM PDT. They do not anticipate adverse user impact or downtime from this activity. They will closely monitor the status of the Box Service throughout the maintenance window and immediately thereafter. They will use to communicate any change in status including any Scheduled Downtime during the maintenance window.
End of Life Announcements
Box is working constantly to improve the user experience on Box, and sometimes that means removing complex or rarely used functionality to make room for an even better product. See apps and features that will end of life (EOL) in the coming months.
Scheduled Changes
Releasing week of April 1
Box Notes Improved URL
This week, Box made a few changes to Box Notes URLs. Box Notes URLs are now shorter and Box allows users to bookmark and share those URLs directly from the browser address bar. Existing Box Notes URLs that were previously generated will continue to be backwards compatible and redirect to our new style. Additionally, Box Notes URLs will no longer expire and require refreshed pages to access the latest version of a Box Note. For a before and after comparison of the URL change, see this side by side comparison.
Releasing week of March 18
Change to Download Progress UI in the Web Application
Box has started to stream content downloaded from the Web application in a zipped package, which will change the download progress UI. The new download progress UI will update to show the number of files downloaded rather than the amount of byte downloaded, which users currently see. See the new experience here!
Releasing week of March 11
Box for iOS 3.6.3
This week, Box released the next version of our iOS app with Box for iOS 3.6.3. This update offers parity on two Box web application features: iOS will soon support the ability to insert images into Box Notes and support grey folder iconography to indicate externally-owned folders. Following up on our enhanced Box for Office 365 integration announced last week, this release also includes a concurrent editing notification when a user overwrites a collaborator’s changes to a file. See updated support documentation here.
Box Notes Printing and Column Resizing
This week, Box will add a print menu within Box Notes and the ability to resize table columns. See this screenshot to find the new functionality.
Large Folder Operation Improvements
This week, Box implemented proactive error messaging that warns users who attempt to move or copy a large number of folders. Soon, Box will warn users that try to delete a large number of folders that their request cannot be accommodated. The Box Web app UI and API will return immediate acknowledgement of the user’s operation and provide a way to query for the ongoing status of any currently running large folder operation rather than delaying a complete/fail response. Here are screenshots of the experience that users may see.
Releasing week of March 4
Refining Permission Access Levels in Box Notes
This week, Box will change how permission access levels work with Box Notes. Previewer Uploaders and Previewers currently see a ‘no permission’ message, but will soon gain the ability to view Box Notes in read-only mode. These changes will happen first in the Box Web application and subsequently iOS and Android in the following weeks. For easy reference, here is a chart of all Box permission levels.
November 2014
Change in Sync Behavior
Change in Box Sync’s behavior for deletions. Previously, all synced folders that are deleted locally are unsynced on the Box web application. Based on customer feedback, Box changed this behavior for both personal and collaborative folders. If a user deletes a synced personal folder locally, that folder will delete both from their local system and on the Box web application. If a user attempts to delete a collaborative folder, they will receive a warning message that the folder will delete for all collaborators and choose to either confirm the deletion or unsync instead. Please review our documentation:
Box for iOS v3.5
Box released the latest version of Box for iPhone and iPad. Box for iOS v3.5 ( introduces new ways to access your most important content and ensures collaboration continuity, so you can stay productive no matter where you’re working or what device you’re on. Box has rolled out several significant new features that take advantage of functionality built on iOS 8 including a “Today Extensions” widget, Favorites, and the ability to unlock your Box app with Touch ID. For further exploration, please see Box’s Help Center documentation and blog post: &
Redesigned Collaborators Page in the Web Application
As part of Box’s larger web application UI redesign, Box has updated the Collaborators page. This update does not include any new functionality beyond making the table layout column sortable. The “remove collaborator” action moves from a right-click menu option to an in-line button, and the “send message” action can be triggered by selecting the collaborator’s email address. The ability to invite a collaborator to a folder is only be available at the folder-level page. Please see Box’s blog post:
Redesigned Notifications Page and Header in the Web Application
Box rolled out the new Notifications page. It is a more fully functional inbox where users can access pending tasks, comments, folder invites, and general collaboration updates. Box also moved the header’s search bar to the left-hand navigation and the icons for the Notifications, Updates, and Files pages to the right-hand navigation. For reference, here is Box’s Help Center documentation and blog post: &
End Of Life Notices
Box is working constantly to improve the user experience on Box, and sometimes that means removing complex or rarely used functionality to make room for an even better product. email outlines the upcoming features that will end of life (EOL) in the coming months.
WordPress widget
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Box is continuing the phased EOL of WebDocs, which will terminate completely January 5, 2015. For more information, please see the EOL notice.